Customer reviews on Amazon
What some of them said:
“This author does an amazing job with showing how it is okay to grieve the loss of a loved one. Her writing puts you in the story and you feel the emotions that she felt.”
“Honest and unflinching, it reaffirms that, although often painful, the willingness to love and to be loved is not only the greatest power on earth, it is, in the end, the only thing that grants our lives value.” VP
“If you know someone struggling with loss, this would be a great gift to help them find their own recovery.” JT
Book: Caring for Dad: With Love and Tomatoes
5.0 out of 5 stars
Book: Love at the Center of Grief
“Awe, this book is the best. I couldn’t put it down.”
The review was received through email after the book debuted on Amazon. Theresa L