At eighty-nine, my father said, “I don’t care if Ellen DeGeneres wears pantsuits because she’s kind to people and animals. Plus, I like how she dances in her ‘tenner shoes.'” Granted, my father wasn’t as eloquent as MLK was when he said, “judge a man by the content of his character.” However, their lessons taught me much the same–love, acceptance, and kindness. I miss my dad — 1926-2017, John McIntyre–Happy Father’s Day.
Author of Eulogies Unspoken: Stories of Worth, Caring for Dad: With Love and Tomatoes, and the YA novel Love at the Center of Grief, which won an IPPY award! Most recently, I wrote the sequel, Beyond the Center of Grief. It is my mission to continue my Summerfort Grief Series for teens. The deaths of my parents inspired me to write. It's my goal to share my grief journey through stories and poems. I write from the heart with the hope to help others heal. I volunteer as a group facilitator at the Lost and Found Grief Center in Missouri. And for twenty-five years I was an at-risk teacher for grades 9-12.